“Fragile Connections,” painted for Toward Tomorrow, reflecting Goal 13 (Climate Action) of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The artwork depicts the iconic polar bear, as a species highly dependent on sea ice for survival and now seriously effected by global warming. As our planet continues to get hotter and the ice caps melt, the piece shows a thin and hungry polar bear and her cub, drifting apart from each other on broken ice. In the distance are cities; human populations, industry and activity which continue to drive increasing carbon emissions and greenhouse gas levels. Converging lines depict the notion that we are all connected; the people and the species that live here on earth. Our negative actions directly effect ecosystems all around the world. But there is still hope that these connections can also be positive and with the right awareness and action, we can start to live alongside the wildlife that we share this diverse planet with. We have a responsibility to change our connection with the natural world and to do all we can to preserve it.